1 Photosensitive Nanoprobes for Rapid Isolation and Size-Specific Enrichment of Synthetic and Extracellular Vesicle Subpopulations
Jonathan Weerakkody, Tiffany Tseng, Mackenzie Topper, Sikha Thoduvayil, Abhijith Radhakrishnan, Frédéric Pincet, Themis Kyriakides, Roshan Gunasekara, Sathish Ramakrishnan
2024 - Advanced Functional Materials
Jonathan Weerakkody, Tiffany Tseng, Mackenzie Topper, Sikha Thoduvayil, Abhijith Radhakrishnan, Frédéric Pincet, Themis Kyriakides, Roshan Gunasekara, Sathish Ramakrishnan
2024 - Advanced Functional Materials
2 Kinetic study of membrane protein interactions: from three to two dimensions
Vladimir Adrien, Nicolas Taulier, Alice Verchère, Laura Monlezun, Martin Picard, Arnaud Ducruix, Isabelle Broutin, Frédéric Pincet, Wladimir Urbach
2024 - Scientific Reports
Vladimir Adrien, Nicolas Taulier, Alice Verchère, Laura Monlezun, Martin Picard, Arnaud Ducruix, Isabelle Broutin, Frédéric Pincet, Wladimir Urbach
2024 - Scientific Reports
3 A model for collagen secretion by intercompartmental continuities
Louis Bunel, Lancelot Pincet, Vivek Malhotra, Ishier Raote, Frédéric Pincet
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Louis Bunel, Lancelot Pincet, Vivek Malhotra, Ishier Raote, Frédéric Pincet
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
4 Membrane Tubulation with a Biomembrane Force Probe
Lancelot Pincet, Frédéric Pincet
2023 - Membranes
Lancelot Pincet, Frédéric Pincet
2023 - Membranes
5 Apolipoproteins L1 and L3 control mitochondrial membrane dynamics
Laurence Lecordier, Paul Heo, Jonas H Graversen, Dorle Hennig, Maria Kløjgaard Skytthe, Alexandre Cornet d’Elzius, Frederic Pincet, David Pérez-Morga, Etienne Pays
2023 - Cell Reports
Laurence Lecordier, Paul Heo, Jonas H Graversen, Dorle Hennig, Maria Kløjgaard Skytthe, Alexandre Cornet d’Elzius, Frederic Pincet, David Pérez-Morga, Etienne Pays
2023 - Cell Reports
6 Acoustic droplet vaporization of perfluorohexane emulsions is induced by heterogeneous nucleation at an ultrasonic frequency of 1.1 MHz
R. Ramesh, C. Thimonier, S. Desgranges, V. Faugeras, F. Coulouvrat, J. Laurent, G. Marrelec, C. Contino-Pépin, W. Urbach, C. Tribet, Nicolas Taulier
2023 - Langmuir
R. Ramesh, C. Thimonier, S. Desgranges, V. Faugeras, F. Coulouvrat, J. Laurent, G. Marrelec, C. Contino-Pépin, W. Urbach, C. Tribet, Nicolas Taulier
2023 - Langmuir
7 Synaptophysin Chaperones the Assembly of 12 SNAREpins under each Ready-Release Vesicle
Manindra Bera, Abhijith Radhakrishnan, Jeff Coleman, R. Venkat K. Sundaram, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Frederic Pincet, James Rothman
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Manindra Bera, Abhijith Radhakrishnan, Jeff Coleman, R. Venkat K. Sundaram, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Frederic Pincet, James Rothman
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
8 Diacylglycerol-dependent hexamers of the SNARE-assembling chaperone Munc13-1 cooperatively bind vesicles
Feng Li, Kirill Grushin, Jeff Coleman, Frederic Pincet, James Rothman
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Feng Li, Kirill Grushin, Jeff Coleman, Frederic Pincet, James Rothman
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
9 Direct determination of oligomeric organization of integral membrane proteins and lipids from intact customizable bilayer
Aniruddha Panda, Fabian Giska, Anna Duncan, Alexander Welch, Caroline Brown, Rachel Mcallister, Parameswaran Hariharan, Jean Goder, Jeff Coleman, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Frédéric Pincet, Lan Guan, Shyam Krishnakumar, James Rothman, Kallol Gupta
2023 - Nature Methods
Aniruddha Panda, Fabian Giska, Anna Duncan, Alexander Welch, Caroline Brown, Rachel Mcallister, Parameswaran Hariharan, Jean Goder, Jeff Coleman, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Frédéric Pincet, Lan Guan, Shyam Krishnakumar, James Rothman, Kallol Gupta
2023 - Nature Methods
10 The Get1/2 insertase forms a channel to mediate the insertion of tail-anchored proteins into the ER
Paul Heo, Jacob A Culver, Jennifer Miao, Frederic Pincet, Malaiyalam Mariappan
2023 - Cell Reports
Paul Heo, Jacob A Culver, Jennifer Miao, Frederic Pincet, Malaiyalam Mariappan
2023 - Cell Reports
11 Turbocharging synaptic transmission
James Rothman, Kirill Grushin, Manindra Bera, Frederic Pincet
2023 - FEBS Letters
James Rothman, Kirill Grushin, Manindra Bera, Frederic Pincet
2023 - FEBS Letters
12 Actuating tension-loaded DNA clamps drives membrane tubulation
Longfei Liu, Qiancheng Xiong, Chun Xie, Frederic Pincet, Chenxiang Lin
2022 - Science Advances
Longfei Liu, Qiancheng Xiong, Chun Xie, Frederic Pincet, Chenxiang Lin
2022 - Science Advances
13 The beginning and the end of SNARE‐induced membrane fusion
Delphine Mion, Louis Bunel, Paul Heo, Frédéric Pincet
2022 - FEBS Open Bio
Delphine Mion, Louis Bunel, Paul Heo, Frédéric Pincet
2022 - FEBS Open Bio
14 How to best estimate the viscosity of lipid bilayers
Vladimir Adrien, Gamal Rayan, Ksenia Astafyeva, Isabelle Broutin, Martin Picard, Patrick Fuchs, Wladimir Urbach, Nicolas Taulier
2022 - Biophysical Chemistry
Vladimir Adrien, Gamal Rayan, Ksenia Astafyeva, Isabelle Broutin, Martin Picard, Patrick Fuchs, Wladimir Urbach, Nicolas Taulier
2022 - Biophysical Chemistry
15 Vesicle capture by membrane-bound Munc13-1 requires selfassembly into discrete clusters
Feng Li, Venkat Kalyana Sundaram, Alberto T Gatta, Jeff Coleman, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Shyam S Krishnakumar, Frederic Pincet, James E Rothman
2021 - FEBS Letters
Feng Li, Venkat Kalyana Sundaram, Alberto T Gatta, Jeff Coleman, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Shyam S Krishnakumar, Frederic Pincet, James E Rothman
2021 - FEBS Letters
16 Munc13 binds and recruits SNAP25 to chaperone SNARE complex assembly
Ramalingam Venkat Kalyana Sundaram, Huaizhou Jin, Feng Li, Tong Shu, Jeff Coleman, Jie Yang, Frederic Pincet, Yongli Zhang, James E Rothman, Shyam S Krishnakumar
2021 - FEBS Letters
Ramalingam Venkat Kalyana Sundaram, Huaizhou Jin, Feng Li, Tong Shu, Jeff Coleman, Jie Yang, Frederic Pincet, Yongli Zhang, James E Rothman, Shyam S Krishnakumar
2021 - FEBS Letters
17 Nascent fusion pore opening monitored at single-SNAREpin resolution
Paul Heo, Jeff Coleman, Jean-Baptiste Fleury, James Rothman, Frederic Pincet
2021 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Paul Heo, Jeff Coleman, Jean-Baptiste Fleury, James Rothman, Frederic Pincet
2021 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
18 Cooperation of conical and polyunsaturated lipids to regulate initiation and processing of membrane fusion
Claire François-Martin, Amélie Bacle, James E Rothman, Patrick Fuchs, Frederic Pincet
2021 - Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
Claire François-Martin, Amélie Bacle, James E Rothman, Patrick Fuchs, Frederic Pincet
2021 - Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
19 Molecular Study of Ultrasound-Triggered Release of Fluorescein from Liposomes
Fatima El Hajj, Patrick F. J. Fuchs, Wladimir Urbach, Mohammad Nassereddine, Salah Hamieh, Nicolas Taulier
2021 - Langmuir
Fatima El Hajj, Patrick F. J. Fuchs, Wladimir Urbach, Mohammad Nassereddine, Salah Hamieh, Nicolas Taulier
2021 - Langmuir
20 Freezing and piercing of in vitro asymmetric plasma membrane by α-synuclein
Paul Heo, Frédéric Pincet
2020 - Communications Biology
Paul Heo, Frédéric Pincet
2020 - Communications Biology
21 Synaptotagmin-1 membrane binding is driven by the C2B domain and assisted cooperatively by the C2A domain
Clémence Gruget, Oscar Bello, Jeff Coleman, Shyam S Krishnakumar, Eric Perez, James E Rothman, Frederic Pincet, Stephen H Donaldson
2020 - Scientific Reports
Clémence Gruget, Oscar Bello, Jeff Coleman, Shyam S Krishnakumar, Eric Perez, James E Rothman, Frederic Pincet, Stephen H Donaldson
2020 - Scientific Reports
22 TANGO1 membrane helices create a lipid diffusion barrier at curved membranes
Ishier Raote, Andreas M Ernst, Felix Campelo, James E Rothman, Frédéric Pincet, Vivek Malhotra
2020 - eLife
Ishier Raote, Andreas M Ernst, Felix Campelo, James E Rothman, Frédéric Pincet, Vivek Malhotra
2020 - eLife
23 Liquid–liquid phase separation of the Golgi matrix protein GM130
Aleksander A Rebane, Pascal Ziltener, Lauren C Lamonica, Antonia H Bauer, Hong Zheng, Iván López‐montero, Frederic Pincet, James E Rothman, Andreas M Ernst
2020 - FEBS Letters
Aleksander A Rebane, Pascal Ziltener, Lauren C Lamonica, Antonia H Bauer, Hong Zheng, Iván López‐montero, Frederic Pincet, James E Rothman, Andreas M Ernst
2020 - FEBS Letters
24 Ultrasound-triggered delivery of paclitaxel encapsulated in an emulsion at low acoustic pressures
N. Al Rifai, S. Desgranges, D. Le Guillou-Buffello, A. Giron, W. Urbach, M. Nassereddine, J. Charara, C. Contino-Pépin, N. Taulier
2020 - Journal of materials chemistry B
N. Al Rifai, S. Desgranges, D. Le Guillou-Buffello, A. Giron, W. Urbach, M. Nassereddine, J. Charara, C. Contino-Pépin, N. Taulier
2020 - Journal of materials chemistry B
25 Highly Reproducible Physiological Asymmetric Membrane with Freely-Diffusing Embedded Proteins in a 3D-Printed Microfluidic Setup
Paul Heo, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Jeff Coleman, James Rothman, Jean‐baptiste Fleury, Frederic Pincet
2019 - Small
Paul Heo, Sathish Ramakrishnan, Jeff Coleman, James Rothman, Jean‐baptiste Fleury, Frederic Pincet
2019 - Small
26 Anisotropic cellular forces support mechanical integrity of the Stratum Corneum barrier
Shuo Guo, Yegor Domanov, Mark Donovan, Bertrand Ducos, Yves Pomeau, Christine Gourier, Eric Perez, Gustavo S. Luengo
2019 - Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials
Shuo Guo, Yegor Domanov, Mark Donovan, Bertrand Ducos, Yves Pomeau, Christine Gourier, Eric Perez, Gustavo S. Luengo
2019 - Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials
27 JUNO, the receptor of sperm IZUMO1, is expressed by the human oocyte and is essential for human fertilisation
Camille Jean, Farhad Haghighirad, Yinying Zhu, Myriam Chalbi, Ahmed Ziyyat, Eric Rubinstein, Christine Gourier, Patrick Yip, Jean-Philippe Wolf, Jeffrey E Lee, Claude Boucheix, Virginie Barraud-Lange
2019 - Human Reproduction
Camille Jean, Farhad Haghighirad, Yinying Zhu, Myriam Chalbi, Ahmed Ziyyat, Eric Rubinstein, Christine Gourier, Patrick Yip, Jean-Philippe Wolf, Jeffrey E Lee, Claude Boucheix, Virginie Barraud-Lange
2019 - Human Reproduction
28 Synaptotagmin oligomers are necessary and can be sufficient to form a Ca 2+ -sensitive fusion clamp
Sathish Ramakrishnan, Manindra Bera, Jeff Coleman, Shyam S Krishnakumar, Frédéric Pincet, James E Rothman
2019 - FEBS Letters
Sathish Ramakrishnan, Manindra Bera, Jeff Coleman, Shyam S Krishnakumar, Frédéric Pincet, James E Rothman
2019 - FEBS Letters
29 SNARE Machinery is optimized for ultra-fast fusion
Fabio Manca, Frédéric Pincet, Lev Truskinovsky, James E Rothman, Lionel Foret, Matthieu Caruel
2019 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fabio Manca, Frédéric Pincet, Lev Truskinovsky, James E Rothman, Lionel Foret, Matthieu Caruel
2019 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
30 SNAREpin Assembly: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Approaches
Feng Li, Frédéric Pincet
2019 -
Feng Li, Frédéric Pincet
2019 -