Researchers of the Statistical physics and inference for biology of the LPENS, in collaboration with researchers from Moscow in the framework of the RESP-REP ANR project, have studied the evolution of immune repertoires in response to various viruses like the COVID-19. In particular, they have identified B-lymphocytes sequences specific to the immune response to this virus. These results open the way to new diagnose methods linked to infections.

More information in CNRS press release (in French).

T-lymphocyte (on the left) in the process of recognizing an intruder, here a plastic microbeab (on the right). This image was laureate of the 2019 “La preuve par l’image” (The Proof is in the picture) competition. © Virginie BAZIN / Claire HIVROZ / Julien HUSSON / IPBS / Institut Curie / LadHyX / CNRS Images




Author affiliation:
Laboratoire de physique de L’École normale supérieure (LPENS, ENS Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université de Paris)

Corresponding author: Aleksandra Walczak and Thierry Mora
Communication contact: Communication contact