Post-doc offers
Internship offers
Weyl and Dirac fermions in topological heterostroctures : a magneto-optical and quantum magneto-transport investigation
2022/2023 : An M2 internship is available regarding investigation of the relativistic spectrum in smooth topological heterojunction and Weyl fermions observation. A PhD thesis starting from september 2023 is planned.
Place: École Normale Supérieure Physics Department (LPENS), 24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Contact: Louis-Anne de Vaulchier (
Tera-Hertz generation from femtosecond-laser induced microplasma
2022/2023 : An M2 internship is available with following PhD.
Place: École Normale Supérieure Physics Department (LPENS), 24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Contact: Jérôme Tignon (
THz Quantum Optics with Quantum Cascade Lasers
Place: École Normale Supérieure Physics Department (LPENS), 24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Period: 2nd semester 2021-2022
Contact: Sukhdeep DHILLON (
Terahertz spintronics – Quantum Materials for Ultrafast Spin-to-Charge Conversion
2021/2022 : An M2 internship is available regarding spin-to-charge conversion (SCC) in novel topological/ferromagnetic materials, bringing an advancement in the application and understanding of quantum interfaces for terahertz (THz) spintronic devices. The internship can be potentially followed by a PhD.
Place: École Normale Supérieure Physics Department (LPENS), 24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Period: 2nd semester 2021-2022
Contact: Sukhdeep DHILLON (
Non-equilibrium dynamics of carriers in quantum dots using mid infrared pump-THz
probe spectroscopy
2021/2022 : We propose an M2 internship with the objective of exploring non-equilibrium dynamics of carriers in graphene quantum dots and nanocrystals of HgTe using mid infrared pump-THz probe spectroscopy. The objective is to prove the potential of semiconductor quantum dots for THz technology. This internship may be followed by a PhD.
Place: École Normale Supérieure Physics Department (LPENS), 24 rue Lhomond, Paris
Period: 2nd semester 2021-2022
Contact: Juliette MANGENEY (